
Diesel engine components

Diesel Engine components are basically of the type:

• Structural parts (Stationary parts)
• running parts
• Systems

The purpose of stationary parts is:

• To support running parts
• To keep them in position and in line
• To provide jackets and passages for coolant
• To provide sump for Lubricating oil
• To from protective casing for running parts
• To support auxiliary parts like valves, camshafts, turbo-blowers etc.

The purpose of running parts is to convert the power of combustion in the cylinders to mechanical work.

The Purpose of systems is

• Supply of air
• Removal of exhaust
• Turbocharging
• Supply and injection of fuel
• Lubrication of engine parts

The examples of structural parts are cylinder block, cylinder liners, cylinder head or cover. The major running parts are piston, piston rod, Connecting rod, crankshafts and its bearing etc. Among the systems fuel injection consists of fuel pump. High pressure piping, injector, nozzle.
The major engine parameters are:

• Cylinder bore-inner diameter of the cylinder.
• Stroke-the distance piston travels between top and bottom dead centres.
• Engine speed-the speed at which the crankshaft rotates (measured in revolutions per minute).
• Maximum continuous rating (MCR) - the designed maximum power which a diesel engine is capable of delivering continuously, at normal maximum speed, in the period between two cosecutive overhauling.

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