
Saturday 27 May 2017

Sludge Formation, Oil Changes, Oil Consumption(Engine Lubrication Systems's)

Sludge Formation:

In the Crankcase water collects in two ways- Water formed as a product of combustion and water entering because of crankcase ventilation. Water mixed with oil when churned up, leads to formation of sludge. This prevents normal circulation of oil to the engine parts. The problem of sludge formation is more acute When the engine runs for too short period of time. In such cases, the oil may have to be changed more frequently. In engine running for considerable period of time, the crankcase ventilation takes care of the sludge formation.
In any case, heavily sludged oil will eventually clog the engine's oil pump pickup screen, oil filter and oil galleries. The initial symptoms of oil starvation are engines that become noisy during cold start-up and oil pressure gauges that rise very slowly. The detergent contained in fresh oil can also often accelerate the clogging of oil pump screens and oil filters by loosening accumulated sludge. A heavily loaded engine, but having sludged oil will drastically reduce the engine life.

Oil Changes:

During the running of the engine, the lubrication oil gradually loses its effectiveness. This happens due to contamination of oil by carbon, dust particles and put a few drops of oil on your finger and then rub it changed. The instructions of the engine manufacturer should be followed in this regard.

Oil Consupmption:

The loss of lubricating oil takes place continuously due to following main reasons:

* Burning of oil in the combustion spacr
* Leakage of oil past loose connections
* Oil accompanying the ventilation air in the from of mist

Excessive oil Consumption: It could be due to the reasons:

* External leakage of oil
* Worn out piston rings
* Worn out valve stem and valve guide

Low oil Pressure: It could be due to the reasons:

* Oil pump strainer blocked
* Strainer pipe cracked
* Oil Pump defective
* Pressure relief valve not correctly adjusted
* Low oil Viscosity
* Worn out bushes or bearings

High oil Pressure: It could be due to the reasons:

* Too high viscosity of oil
* Clogged oil lines and galleries
* Too stiff relief valve
* Defective oil pressure gauge

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