
Thursday 11 May 2017

Knowlage about Diesel Engine Governor


Governor :

governor for adjusting a control-rod stop in a fuel-injection pump for an internal combustion engine. A controlling element is provided on the control-rod stop of the fuel injection pump, to which a throttled pressure fluid is fed, the discharge of which is controlled by a proportionally operating solenoid valve.

There are four types of Governor
 1) Mechanical Governor
   2) Pneumatic Governor
  3) Hydraulic Governor
  4) Servo Governor

Mechanical Governor:

To control engine speed, a mechanical governor uses gears and flyweights inside the crankcase to detect changes in the load and adjusts the throttle accordingly. ... When the engine load increases, the crankshaft spins more slowly.

Pneumatic Governor:

The governor system is like a cruise control system. It maintains the speed of your lawn properly, they keep your speed steady regardless of engine load - the amount of work the engine must perform.mower or outdoor power products. When Briggs & Stratton governors are adjusted 

Hydraulic governor:

Shows a simple type of hydraulic governor. The spring-loaded flyballs react to the changes in the engine speed and operate the pilot valve. When the speed of the engine increases , the flyballs move out due to the engine increased centrifugal force. The pivot valve gets raised. The space to the left of the power piston communicates with the oil outlet to the sump. The piston is connected to the fuel control mechanism. its movement to the left reduces the supply of fuel and hence the speed of the engine goes down. In case of reduction of engine speed. movements take place in the other direction i.e the piston moves to the right and the supply of fuel increases raising the engine speed.
      The hydraulic governors are costlier then mechanical governors,but find wider use because of their following characteristics:
* More sensitives 
* Greater power
* Isochronous (Identical speed for all loads)

Servo Governor:

In this type of governor, the fuel controlling mechanism is actuated by hydraulic action. It reduces the effort required to move the fuel control device since a small force is necessary to move governor control mechanism.

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